Global Village (die Konferenzen)
Global Village 1993
Global Village 1996
Global Village 1997
Global Village 1999

1999 waren wir beteiligt an der NGO Internet Fiesta und - in neuer Zusammensetzung - an "Global Village 99" Das geplante 4. internationale Global Village Symposium mußte leider abgesagt und auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagt werden.

Glokale Wirtschaftliche Strukturen / Glocal Economic Structures Vienna City Hall, February 1995
Waves and Harbours - A Network for Living, Working and Walking

Abstract     Lecture     Author

Michel Mossessian, Cathrine Veikos - Atelier 4 Architecture (F/USA)



Limits, boundaries and territories marked the land and the language of our ancestors. The natural lines and walls of our urban and agricultural landscape create a story that remains as a transcript of its transformation. As our modern communication tools render our historical understanding of territoriality as obsolete, a more evanescent representation of space emerges: fields, waves and zones.


The magical web of the Internet is cast, invisibly grouping people and information at a distance. Unseen connections allow for the navigation of virtual architectural spaces- spaces of information and communication. The more distance our tools conquer, the more radically our perception of limits evolves, creating new sets of spatial associations between home and work, between work and play.

The artifacts of our communication become smaller to take refuge in our intimacy. Personalised to our moves and gestures, they become magic in their capacity to activate people and objects at farther distances. These Para-Sites of our relations and actions demand a re-evaluation of our rapport to the sensible world.

Thus, a double site condition is created composed of the immediate, local context (the culture, the land and its vernacular architecture), and the global context (the businesses and nomadic professionals who use their modem extension as a mobile node of their far-reaching network). Both the local and the global must be addressed. Our architectural projects and proposals address this challenge by establishing a series of principles with which to fold together the global dimension of our economy and the local richness offered within the variegated contexts of the European urban and rural condition.

Participants' List